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Jessica Lohrey
Dec 3, 20243 min read
The Quiet Revolution: How Yoga Subtly Transforms Your Everyday Life
Yoga is often seen as a practice for the body—a way to build strength, flexibility, and balance. But as anyone who has practiced...

Jessica Lohrey
Oct 8, 20244 min read
"Who Am I?" — The Timeless Teachings of Ramana Maharshi
Ramana Maharshi is widely regarded as one of the greatest sages of modern India, whose teachings continue to inspire spiritual seekers...

Jessica Lohrey
Apr 22, 20225 min read
Yoga Studio or Gym?
Where do you yoga? There is a significant difference between a gym and a yoga studio. It's been a while since Oxford has had a studio...

Jessica Lohrey
May 5, 20217 min read
Really Understanding the Chakras
Welcome to the wild and wonderful world of your inner self! I've been updating and revamping the Tree of India Chakra Collection, and...
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